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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Shittiest Looking Game of 2011 Delayed

Multiplatform console title Daisenryaku Perfect: Ruler of the Battlefield is ugly. It really is. The game, which is priced at ¥8,190 (US$100) and looks like a hat full of assholes, was supposed to be out this June.
It will not. Instead, the game is being delayed to this fall, giving developers more time "to improve quality". Maybe they can make the game look less like a Sega Saturn title and, god willing, more like a Dreamcast game.
The game is a port of the incredibly buggy PSP version—a game so buggy that some said it was unplayable—that was released last summer. It looks...pretty much like the PSP game! And that game didn't look so hot.

Oh no! what shall we do!?


Doc_Waffles said...

My this is really an ugly game. I don't know what we will do without this being released asap.

Seamuse said...

I hope this is a joke. :o On their part...

adss said...

hahaaha what a joke and the retail price!! I can find better graphics on freeware games from 10 years ago

JkF50 said...

I laughed so hard at this, such serious trolling like this just gets me!

Acrylic Ingenuity said...


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