Desmond. We don't play as him very often. Well, actually, we play as him all the time. In the Animus, that is. But for many he is still a "nobody", but now we’ll be seeing a lot of him in Assassin’s Creed 3. In fact, writer Matt Turner tells CVG that we’re “going to experience more Desmond than you’ve ever had before.”
“It’s a big part of our story and I don’t really want to give too many details away because I want people to experience what that is. But rest assured, you’re going to see a lot of Desmond. More so than in any past game.”
“We’re spending more time on the present than we have in past games,” he adds.
This is great news as I am a huge fan of Desmond. Keep us updated on this buddy.
looking good, can't wait. the trailer was pretty epic
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