2011 was overall quite a disappointing year for gaming.
There were some gems, but mostly bad titles and hardware.
Let's take a look at some of them.

Not good, Microsoft.
The 3DS + its games
This has to be the most disappointing gaming handheld of the 21st century.
"A botched reveal, a ridiculous price-tag, a cumbersome UI, no second thumbstick and no decent games."

Duke Nukem Forever
Ahh, Duke Nukem. Him and I go way back.

There were such high hopes for this game. A lot of money was spent, a lot of hype generated. Then people played it, found out the setting was stupid, the story overwrought, the singleplayer terrifyingly short (both on length and ideas) and the multiplayer a novelty that was never going to lure people from whatever shooter they were already playing.
Like Homefront, this was an original title that many had high hopes for. Its bold art design couldn't hide a launch marred by technical issues and people not quite "getting" the game, though, and while it seems to have stabilised in recent months, Brink will never be the top=-shelf multiplayer shooter it wanted to be.
2012 seems promising, though.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Diablo III
Solid year in gaming, I would have loved to see last guardian but hey, I can wait.
Some disappointments this year though.
I don't think Kinect was a failure. Really, its potential is still being explored.
I think this could have been one of the best years for gaming in a while. Improvements and advancements are being made buddy.
It was pretty decent, alas the lack of a decent rig and having owned no console, means I pretty much missed out on most of it.
I liked brink.
not buying a 3ds until they release some pokemon.
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