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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

THQ hinted at the sequel to Vigil Game’s breakout hit almost immediately after the success of the first title, but we knew little about Darksiders II until now.
Fans of the first Darksiders are already familiar with Vigil’s fiction – the eternal war that rages between the forces of Heaven and Hell. With Darksiders II, Vigil looks to deliver a richer experience as players  explore more dungeons, talk with a variety of NPCs, and experiment with a detailed loot system. The horseman War has been sidelined, so it’s up to his brother, Death, to travel through the world of the Abyss and attempt to restore humanity after its destruction during the Apocalypse.

Subscribers should be receiving their issues after the first day of E3. After you finish reading our cover story, keep checking back with our Darksiders II hub throughout the month, since we'll have plenty of updates that delve deeper into the experience Vigil is crafting for Darksiders II.
In addition to our 10-page cover story on Darksiders II, the July issue of Game Informer includes an in-depth first look at Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIII-2, our hands-on impressions of Sony’s NGP hardware and its early games, and an extensive preview section featuring games like BioShock Infinite, Mass Effect 3, and Batman: Arkham City.

Yes! Playing as Death himself must be AWESOME.

Source and more pics:


el jeffe said...

finally, a gaming blog i can read every morning with my coffee.

ZKMin said...

Good blog, nice read. Anytime I see darksiders it makes me with they would remake the legacy of kane series.

InfoTube said...

Can't wait!

Bob said...

Looks great! And it would be awesome indeed to play as Death!

mediocreatleast said...

This has caught my interest. The first was alright, just a little on the generic side feeling.

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed it very much mmmm

ruinz said...

looks epic

el jeffe said...

playing as death himself must be awesome for sure

Anonymous said...

seems a very good blog, hoping for more

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