Gaming blog

For your gaming (and sometimes general) info

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Well. I feel like asking a question to you guys.

I'm a huge game nut. I love them ever since I was able to hold a controller.
But lately I kinda stopped playing them,
and if I DO play one then I get bored quickly.

I was just wondering if any of you guys had the same thing?


theambchan said...

I actually just stopped playing my Xbox 360... I'm not quite sure either.

Catfeesh said...

Yep. I think this is due to the lack of original games being released. It seems 9/10 of games are knockoffs anymore.

Legitcheater said...

Guess you're right. Games nowadays are just BORING.
It's a good thing TF2 is now free.

Anthony said...

I was the same way... other than some tetris or angry birds (and you can hardly consider those "games" by some definitions) I pretty much haven't played anything in the last year. There's nothing revolutionary anymore

tamezisclutch said...

I actually had the same problem like you just that I play this thing called gamebattles and now that I play I don't get bored much. +follow

braumaman said...

My problem is more the idea of playing. Once I play, i'm hooked. But once I turn it off, turning it back on is a pain. I just sense the amount of time I'm soon going to waste playing and dread it. But again, once it turns on, I'm in for the long haul.

3DS-Games said...

I used to love Ace Combat on PS2 I haven't played any of the more recent ones.

StigmataHandjob said...

I get that too. For me it usually helps switching between PC-games and console games for some reason.
Like your blog btw.

Unknown said...

It happens to me as well. I can't seem to enjoy stuff i did in such a focused way.. For example i will want to check my lame facebook after an hour of game playing.. High scores/achievements are an obsession to me so i face these challenges tedious. Sitting in front of your pc doing nothing is more chilling i guess, which sucks.

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