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Sunday, June 26, 2011

EA Sports Won’t Say MMA’s Dead, but Won’t Say It’s Getting a Sequel, Either

To many, the UFC's acquisition of the competing fight series Strikeforce in March spelled the end of EA Sports MMA. While EA Sports' chief of development did not say that a sequel is in development, he did not say the label was quitting the sport altogether.
"A world where we're not involved in fighting is a world I'd rather not think about," Andrew Wilson told Kotaku. "That said, what goes on in the sport, and what's gone on between the UFC and Strikeforce, certainly has an impact on what we can do in the space."
Strikeforce, as the principal licensor of EA Sports MMA brought some visibility and legitimacy to the project, although both were overshadowed by the dominant UFC brand and its THQ game, which had a breakout hit in 2009 and published a sequel before EA Sports MMA hit shelves.
What do y'all think? I like the MMA games, wouldn't like for it to die.
Those games and the fight night round games are getting better each year.



Unknown said...

EA sports it... was in the game... Once a dedicated fan now I prefer KONAMI :/

Legitcheater said...

Yep, EA become the douchebags of the gaming industry.

Anonymous said...

Ugh EA you were the bomb from like 2004-09

tamezisclutch said...

EA isn't so good anymore. follow

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